Thursday, July 30, 2015

First grade here he comes!!

Is this really happening? School is beginning and open house was tonight. We stopped by to see Mrs. Penney first. Davis has said all summer long he cannot leave her and he must stay with her for first grade too! Sweet guy! The moment he saw Mrs. Sheehan I knew things were gonna be perfect. She hugged him, and me and he has not stopped smiling since. He is a momma’s boy through and through and I’m okay as long as he is okay and visa versa!

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Next up, we found his kindergarten sweetheart in the halls and snagged a quick picture! The two are parting this year in different classes, so we shall see how this relationship goes…HA!

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Davis is super pumped about all the familiar faces, especially his big buddy Jackson!

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So you know what that means…little sisters together AGAIN! I’m pretty sure they were just as excited as the brothers!

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Sweet girl wanted more and more pictures tonight!

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Davis left MES tonight feeling pretty awesome about the wonderful teachers he was blessed with, and this momma is praising God for answered prayers!

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Here we go another year…

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It’s safe to say no matter how big or how old this little guy will always be MINE! He has my whole heart!

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Last year we ended the night with ice cream so we decided to make it a tradition…


A couple of shots from kindergarten open house..

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