Thursday, July 9, 2015

MONEY, Playgroup and ZOO (all in one…post!)

Davis and Emmy saved their pennies, so to speak to take to Disney. Well, we never actually took them to Disney but Tuesday they decided they needed to count their “monies” and see just how much they had saved! IT took us over an hour to sort, count and roll but we did it!


Davis had 42.50 and Emmy had 47.00. Worthwhile bank trip for two little money managers!! They know now every penny counts!!!


WE have started a playgroup at church and our first outing was a success! WE had a blast and so many were able to come and swim. Can’t wait till next week!


Today we headed to the zoo with our Gatlin buddies! Such an exciting day, the animals were busy and moving, we caught a bird show we had never seen and someone stole a monkey from the zoo! IT wasn’t us…we have four of our own…as you can tell!






Somebody cashed out on the way home!!!


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