Thursday, December 31, 2009

Davis' 9 month check up!

Davis and I headed to the pediatrician's office Tuesday for his nine month check-up, and as the doctor was completing the exam he checked his ears and told me he had another ear infection. YIKES! I had just told Walker the night before I thought he might be getting one and I should have trusted my mommy instincts cause he definitely had a left ear infection again! The doctor delayed his shots and wants to see us again in two weeks to check the ear. Poor Baby D! His stats are: 21 lbs, 29inches. My big boy!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


What a wonderful first Christmas Davis had! We had eleven people at our house for the holidays and Davis enjoyed every bit of the attention he could get. Being the only grandchild on either side Davis has become quite the entertainer. He is able to captivate everyones attention with almost everything he does. From his smile, to his many different faces to his belly laugh Davis loves getting every one to look at him. The grandparents, aunts and uncles out did themselves with all of their gifts! He loved each one of them and loves playing with all of them in his new playroom!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My first Boo Boo

Davis has done so good with the Christmas tree and all the decorations; however, today he decided he would experiment with the tree. We were singing Jingle Bells while he was shaking an ornament that jingled and he decided to stand up and dive into the tree. I not only had to dig him out, but also had to fix the tree, presents and ornaments that fell off during his dive. He cried only until I picked him up, so I thought everything was fine. We started to sing some more and I looked at his head and blood was dripping down his face. Of course, I freaked out and ran to get a wash cloth to see where the blood was coming from. It turned out there was only a few minor scratches, but boy was my heart racing. We made it exactly one week till Christmas without any trauma..boys will be boys! I am sure we have many more bumps, scratches and bruises in our future!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well it is official Davis starting saying "dada" yesterday and as excited as it made me it also made me sad. I am a speech language pathologist and I should understand and know that certain sounds are just easier to make than others, but as a stay at home mother I guess I just thought mama should be first! HA! Oh well, it is very cute how he says dada and WAlker sure does enjoy seeing and hearing him say it. I guess Davis knows how to get his daddy wrapped around his little fingers. How it happened: Davis was just in one of his talkative moods so I started babbling with him and he just loved it when I said "dada". He preceded to model after me starting with just moving his jaw up and down and then he started adding the sounds-so sweet! I love that boy!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sweet Baby Davis

Okay so I get it, it took me having a kid to get it but TIME FLIES!!! My precious little boy will be one year old in only 4 months. Where has this year gone? It just blows my mine that 8 months have already slipped by and my little one is getting so big. Davis has reached many milestones (some way too early) and is growing up right in front of my eyes. He waves hi and bye, he crawls, pulls up and cruises, attempts to walk (officially taken 3 steps), eats solid food, gives five, recognizes mommy and daddy when asked where's mommy, jabbers and laughs constantly, and loves attention. He is my favorite little man and I am so blessed to be his mommy. No telling what our future holds with Davis Walker, but I know I will always love him!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Okay so we are almost all the way through November and I don't feel like I have even had a chance to sit and be thankful. SO here I am taking it.. I am so blessed and I have many many reasons to be thankful. I serve an amazing God who cares for me ALL of the time, a compassionate hubby who loves me unconditionally, a beautiful sweet baby boy who keeps me on my toes and reminds me daily of pure love, a pair of parents and in-laws that are always there, a sis, sis in law and bubba that are the best siblings money can buy, and friends that go the distance for me daily. Thank you God for my life and all of my wonderful blessings!
The month of November has been one crazy month. TO recap it all we have dealt with an er visit, an ear infection, Davis's 1st plane ride, a week in a hotel, daddy's two week bussiness trip, daddy's flu (which came and went anc came back), insurance saying they wouldn't pay for 90 days!!! I think the Wellington's have had thier share and I am ready for a calm month, so come on December we welcome you (only if you bring peace, that is).
Oh yeah thankful for this blog so I can vent and not feel like I am having to complain to anyone directly.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Davis's 1st airplane ride

We we did it. We took Davis, 7 months old, on his first airplane ride. He did so well. As people were getting off the plane they were commenting on how quiet he was and how they never even heard him maek a sound. Walker and I were two proud parents. We are praying the ride home is just as pleasurable. Now for a fun week in Chicago.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Nursing Debate: Mommy versus Davis

Wow, so we have had one crazy week! Walker being gone, coupled with Davis's ER visit and sickness and Davis not wanting to nurse has been enough to do me in emotionally & physically. He has not nursed since 7am Wednesday and it is Friday-let's just say I am in pain and very frustrated. All he would do Thursday was drink from an open cup, so I pumped. Today he began taking a bottle, so I pumped. We all know pumps have come a long way, but they are nothing like a child, so I was hurting. After talking with several people including pediatricians, lactation consultants and friends/family I decided I was just not going to feed baby D until he nursed. He has to eventually get hungry and eat, right? It was one long hour and a half but I can proudly say I won!! (we well see what tomorrow holds!) Lots of people told me to give it up and cut the strings- to all you negative thinkers, think again. After this experience I wish I had more encourager's in my life. It was amazing that only a hand full of people encouraged me to hang in there and keep trying. I am challenging myself to be a more encouraging person and "think on the bright side" more.
SO excited Walker is coming home tonight. I miss him so much and love parenting with him!!! Next week should be another adventure in our lives. We our taking Davis on his first airplane ride to Chicago! We will hopefully gets some family time in and will maybe even get to introduce Davis to some family he hasn't met yet!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My first ER visit

SO I am 27 years old and never been in the hospital except to birth my baby boy. My parents have both worked in them forever, and have often frequented them to visit, but never went because I needed them. Last night was a different story. First, I have to mention Walker is out of town, isn't that how it always is..when it rains it pours!! Anyway, so Davis would not nurse all day and I was getting very worried. I called the doctor and I guess I was expecting him to say, "no biggie, come see me in the am," I got a very different response. He told me to go to the ER immediately because "he is to little not to be eating." Ummm..what? I have to go where, all by myself. Let's just say I freaked out. I hurried and changed myself and Davis and kept calling Walker. (who by the way did not answer even after I called like 7 times in a row.) I then called my mom, my cousin Erin and my best friend Emily to calm me down a little. When we arrived most of the employees could not believe we were there because Davis was being his usual happy self; however, I told them he had not drank since 7 am (it was almost 6 pm) and they understood our visit. Once the pediatric ER doctor arrived he listened to our story and almost immediately said it was an ear infection. Once he checked the left ear, it was confirmed and we were on our way to the pharmacy to pick up Davis's prescription. Davis slept really well and woke up happy, but still is not nursing and it is after 3pm. To remedy this I have been pumping, but Davis refuses to suck on anything so he is drinking my milk out of a big person cup. What a sight, a 7 month old drinking like he is one big boy. I am just hoping he will get back to nursing soon..not really ready to give it up. Only time will tell. Untill next time....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Funny moments

Davis is not quite old enough to have funny moments; however, we are surrounded by wonderful friends and their children who constantly make me crack up. Yesterday, I was nursing Davis at a friends house when her son leaned over and said "My mom has pickles like that." (you must know this household calls boobs, pickles!) His older sister leans over and says "Your funny, those aren't moms pickles, those are Ms. Liz's pickles." Later on I am buckling thier daughter in the car and as I was noticing the car seat was a little tight, she noticied I was struggling and she said"It's not so tight, I can still breathe!" I love those moments at which you just wanna crack up, I hope to keep Davis as well as our future kids written down so that they will never be forgotten. A lady told me it is best to write them on recipe cards and keep them in a recipe box for easy keeping-GREAT IDEA!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's about time!

SO... with everyone blogging these days, I decided it might be a neat thing to do. Davis is six months old and I figured this might be a neat way to document interesting things he does as well as our family memories. IT should be a fun ride so enjoy! It would take lots of time and energy to go back and document our history so I will just make it short and sweet. Walker and I met in April of 2001 at Freed-Hardman University. He had some jolly ranchers and I asked for one and about three years later we were married on May 22, 2009. We were married almost 5 five years before our life changed and our family grew from two to three. Davis Walker Dow Wellington was born March 31, 2009 and what an amazing change he has made in both of our lives. We live in Louisville Kentucky where Walker works really hard so that I can stay at home with Davis. I will forever be thankful that I am able to stay home and make so many memories with Davis. I hope to pass on some of our memories so that we are able to stay in touch with the many people that have touched our lives throughout the years. Hope you enjoy "keeping up with the Wellingtons!!!"