Wednesday, March 30, 2011


In two short years Davis has changed us FOREVER! It's hard to imagine he started in here... and then came out at almost 10lbs!
and only a year later...
and just look how much a year can change YOU!
Davis Walker Dow Wellington you complete us!

Davis, Enjoying every minute God gives us another day as a family. God gave us such a spunky, lively, dramatic, loving, sweet little boy. You are growing up so fast, but you will always be my little boy! Loving life with YOU and blessed to spend my days with YOU! May not have all the newest toys, or lots of money, but my place is here with you my friend. You are teaching me so much and I don't want to rush our precious time together! love MOMMY We started the morning off right with some birthday pancakes and a couple presents! A shape sorter (Davis loves shapes and can name all of them!) and a bin full of animals. After sorting the shapes several times, he dug in to the animals. He loved talking about which one was the momma/daddy/baby. After he named them all he packed them up and wanted to take them to baby Charlotte-my sweet boy!

Next we headed to Chuckie Cheese. It was just a davis and mommy experience and we enjoyed ourselves. We got to get all the extra tickets for being the first ones there and D decided to cash in some of his tickets for a balloon and cotton candy. He loved the balloon, but wouldn't try the candy!

After Chuckie Cheese we decided to grab some much needed groceries. Getting groceries has turned into a whole new adventure lately. Not only did Davis name people he saw, men, women and women whom he called men, but he also found a few grannies. So glad the wiser women enjoyed their name and loved on him anyway. When it was time to check out D decided he needed my credit card. MISTAKE! He played with it so well he stuck it in the coupon holder which they no longer use! I explained to the sweet cashier what he did and she called someone over to help. The lady explained they no longer had keys to the opening because they don't use them anymore. AHHH, you've got to be kidding me! I asked them to call the manager to see if he had any ideas. He decided to break into it (I think he could tell I was a bit on edge), but before he could begin the break in a man walked up who was installing new scanners. He quickly showed them how to open in up and get inside the box. VICTORY! SO I got my card back and they didn't have to break their equipment. They all laughed when I told them it was D's b-day and me I couldn't get mad I needed to just laugh! D and I talked about it all the way home. He kept telling me "card in hole," "mommy funny!" Oh well, it is his birthday right? Davis is growing and changing as any typical two year old. He is mr independant, mr picky and mr i dare you to not play with me! He adores his family and loves to play trucks. He loves to entertain and loves talking about how funny and how big of a mess he is. For example, yesterday while I was unpacking the car Davis came up to me and said "momma dirt" and showed me his hand. I shrieked to myself because he was covered in poop. Literally from his head to his shoes. He is on another antibiotic and we got the side effects to go along with it! I quickly explained to him it was poop and we would clean him up, but he was adamant that ho it was dirt and not poop! He dropped it as soon as I told him he could have a bath and he was content! He continues to blow my mind with his memory-never forgets a thing and knows where people live and doesn't forget when they are coming to see him-he will wake up from a nap and say "mimi here!" if I have told him she is coming when he wakes up! He is a bit shy to strangers, however some times he will surprise me and really hit it off with people in public places. He is very honest and will tell you if he did something wrong-totally told the childcare worker he knocked a toddler down. He is very sweet-totally picked up the toddler and said sorry! He is also very polite he tells people please and thank you-the gym workers tell me his manners are the BEST! He is having moments of the terrible twos though, will fuss like a baby, choose one thing but want another, and be just down right whiny-sound like anyone? haha! We are gonna embrace the twos and enjoy every minute of this year! Happy birthday Davis Walker Dow Wellington!

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