Friday, July 29, 2011

Without you...

Ever since VBS Davis has asked about getting his face painted, I have delayed it until last night. Daddy was home and we both agreed it was a great night to paint DAvis' face! He wanted to have a tiger face just like mommy did, so daddy began the task of painting a two year old's face...the time was full of Davis look at me, DAvis hold still, Davis don't touch, BUT when he got done he was so proud of the finished product!
We took a before and an after pictures!! Isn't he the cutest tiger you ever did see! Very vicious I might add!

As I was laying with Davis this morning I thought about lots of things and these thougths came to my mind:
Without you Davis Walker, life would be so boring.
Without you I would not know the importance of trucks and appreciate how many different trucks there are,
without you I would never know the usefulness of the word "nup" and how if you say it with up it means to open something up,
without you I would not know how precious a two year old little boy can be when all he needs to be happy is having his mommy and daddy with him,
without you I would never know how important it is to celebrate the small things, such as that we pass a tractor daily on the way into town or that we pass the fire engines as we go to the gym
without you Davis I would not have met some of the most amazing women/mommies ever, you seem to befreiend the best little kids who have even sweeter mommies,
without you Davis Walker I would sleep and have to wake up to a horrible sounding alarm clock, instead I get to hear you call me to come get you
If you can't tell DW my life would NOT be the same and I am so glad I am your mommy!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fun Zone

We introduced Davis and Jonah to Fun Zone today and the mommas came home exhausted!! We learned several things too! Like never go when school is out, there just might be a million school age kiddos there...not good for our little ones! Also, we now know where the first aid kit is, yes you guessed it D's lip met someone else's head and the head won! He bloodied his lip pretty bad, but did you know you got Popsicles if you hurt your lip? The boys loved that and so did the momma's! Not so excited about the hurt lip, but he was fine and it was kinda nice getting a little break to sit during all the commotion.
The boys enjoyed themselves and got very tired so it was a seven dollars well spent! Can't wait to go back with our playgroup and introduce them to all the FUN! Hope you can tell from the pics we had an amazing time! Despite the sign that said no parents on the jumpers this momma got on them anyway, gotta protect my boy and his buddies! Are you surprised?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Money Couch

Last night Davis was playing on the couch with all of his trucks and he found 23 one dollar bills. He kept saying, "mommy monies!" When I looked up he was not joking he had just found some monies! WE ended up playing with the monies all night long! Walker talked to him about giving God money and saving money and then buying something you really want...such the finance man! He ened up with a bright pink wallet, he refused the manly black one walker tried to give him and was pumped about spending his foudn monies on a truck! Oh the joys of little ones!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Playgroup!!! (not yet named!!)

WE are loving our life here in Milan, but I was just sure that there was something else we should be we started a playgroup! I am so excited about it and Davis is thrilled to be with so many of his buddies! We have lots of hopes for it and I know it will be a huge sucess. Today was the kickoff and all the kiddos were drinched in sweat when we left, that means they had fun, right? We had free play, sang, danced, played ring around the rosies, hide and go seek, did flips and just had some FUN! I can't wait to see what next week brings. Of course I took some pics so....

Date Weekend!!!

Walker and I enjoyed a kid free weekend in Evansville Indiana this weekend courtesy of my parents! (they watched our little man!!!) WE had so much fun and enjoyed every minute of our time together. When we first drove off I looked at Walker like what have we done and he quickly convinced me that Davis would have a blast and so would we. Right he was! We watched movies, went shopping, ate out, walked around, visited with some sweet high school friends, swam and all in all had an amazing time. Couples should make time for their important! Our homecoming on Sunday was so special and Davis said "mommy I missed you!" He quickly showed me and told me all the fun things he did with his Mia and Pops so, I am not buying for one second he didn't enjoy all of his special time with them! Thanks mom and dad for watching our most precious big boy and thanks to my hubby for making time for just me! I am ohhh soo lucky!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Roughin it! VBS

VBS has been in full swing since Sunday night and we are worn out! It has been busy, busy but we had lots of fun! Davis has learned a lot about Pharoh, Adam & Eve, listening/following instructions, bouncing on the bouncer, and a ton more. He loves VBS and has been asking all day if he was gonna wear his new shirt again tonight. (we had bright VBS shirts for the week!) I took a ton of pics, but am only gonna post some of my favorites!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

fire engines!!! (aka fire ningines!) and snowcones

The local library had their story hour today themed around none other than fire engines. Davis was thrilled and could not wait to go see all the big trucks. First, they did a game called tool or toy, where they taught them the difference between each and why you shouldn't play with tools. Then they showed the kids all the fire equipment, how to stop, drop and roll and they all got to meet a special fire dog: SPARKY! Davis was literally in awe. He barely moved in my lap during the demonstration. Finally we got to go outside and look at all three fire trucks and squirt water from the water hose, afterwards each kid got a junior fire fighter sticker! We had to cool off with a red snow cone, because it was HOT! Davis and Jonah enjoyed all the fire fun!
Getting ready for the show!

Squirting the water! We are officially fire fighters!

Cheers to snow cones! Gotta love those boys!