Monday, July 25, 2011

Date Weekend!!!

Walker and I enjoyed a kid free weekend in Evansville Indiana this weekend courtesy of my parents! (they watched our little man!!!) WE had so much fun and enjoyed every minute of our time together. When we first drove off I looked at Walker like what have we done and he quickly convinced me that Davis would have a blast and so would we. Right he was! We watched movies, went shopping, ate out, walked around, visited with some sweet high school friends, swam and all in all had an amazing time. Couples should make time for their important! Our homecoming on Sunday was so special and Davis said "mommy I missed you!" He quickly showed me and told me all the fun things he did with his Mia and Pops so, I am not buying for one second he didn't enjoy all of his special time with them! Thanks mom and dad for watching our most precious big boy and thanks to my hubby for making time for just me! I am ohhh soo lucky!

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