Friday, July 29, 2011

Without you...

Ever since VBS Davis has asked about getting his face painted, I have delayed it until last night. Daddy was home and we both agreed it was a great night to paint DAvis' face! He wanted to have a tiger face just like mommy did, so daddy began the task of painting a two year old's face...the time was full of Davis look at me, DAvis hold still, Davis don't touch, BUT when he got done he was so proud of the finished product!
We took a before and an after pictures!! Isn't he the cutest tiger you ever did see! Very vicious I might add!

As I was laying with Davis this morning I thought about lots of things and these thougths came to my mind:
Without you Davis Walker, life would be so boring.
Without you I would not know the importance of trucks and appreciate how many different trucks there are,
without you I would never know the usefulness of the word "nup" and how if you say it with up it means to open something up,
without you I would not know how precious a two year old little boy can be when all he needs to be happy is having his mommy and daddy with him,
without you I would never know how important it is to celebrate the small things, such as that we pass a tractor daily on the way into town or that we pass the fire engines as we go to the gym
without you Davis I would not have met some of the most amazing women/mommies ever, you seem to befreiend the best little kids who have even sweeter mommies,
without you Davis Walker I would sleep and have to wake up to a horrible sounding alarm clock, instead I get to hear you call me to come get you
If you can't tell DW my life would NOT be the same and I am so glad I am your mommy!

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