Saturday, July 16, 2011

my favorites

each day davis gets a little older and funnier! these days he has me laughing Alot! some of my favs from the past few weeks:
* he loves the CARS movie and the other night while putting him to bed he said "mommy we got a nodder!" If you haven't seen this movie you just wouldn't understand!
* he loves calling himself "mommy and daddy's baby," after hearing from several people that he wasn't a baby anymore he changed his phrase to "mommy and daddy's big baby!"
* while lounging in the pool D said to me "davis stay at beach home for two weeks!" I guess one week just wasn't enough!
* as we pulled into our driveway after being gone a week in FL, Davis starts to cry and say "no davis beach home, no new home!" Yep, he wasn't quite ready to be home yet!
*I left D on the stairs in the garage to go get his shoes and when I returned he said "mommy you scared me!"
*still love when he says "momma hold you me!" and "mommy Davis sleepy!" when he is frightened or wants to get out of doing something like going to the md!
*this may come back to bite me, but i think it's funny after showing him the book i made when he was in my belly he now believes there is a girl in there and her name is daddy! haha!

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