Monday, July 4, 2011

for it's one, two, three strikes your OUT!!!

Walker had another double header Thursday night and the kiddos sure did enjoy seeing their daddies use their high school/college skills! They WON!!! The mommies spent lots of time chasing kids, taking kids to pee, and handing out food, but all in all it was good to be together! Davis and Wyatt would have been out on the field too, if their mean mommies would have let them. They snuck in the dugout for one inning, before they decided it was much more fun playing outside the fence!

Double headers at night make for late and tough nights for momma's but they sure are FUN! One more game this week and then we will miss the last game because we'll be in the sunshine state! Woo-hoo!
Wyatt and Davis have become quite the duo and here they are showing off what they do most of the time...make one another laugh!

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