Wednesday, July 20, 2011

fire engines!!! (aka fire ningines!) and snowcones

The local library had their story hour today themed around none other than fire engines. Davis was thrilled and could not wait to go see all the big trucks. First, they did a game called tool or toy, where they taught them the difference between each and why you shouldn't play with tools. Then they showed the kids all the fire equipment, how to stop, drop and roll and they all got to meet a special fire dog: SPARKY! Davis was literally in awe. He barely moved in my lap during the demonstration. Finally we got to go outside and look at all three fire trucks and squirt water from the water hose, afterwards each kid got a junior fire fighter sticker! We had to cool off with a red snow cone, because it was HOT! Davis and Jonah enjoyed all the fire fun!
Getting ready for the show!

Squirting the water! We are officially fire fighters!

Cheers to snow cones! Gotta love those boys!

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