Tuesday, July 19, 2011


As of Sunday night we are officially in a BIG boy bed! Saturday night Davis escaped from his baby bed and came to mommy and daddy's bed all on his own. We were amazed that he could not only climb out of his bed, but open two doors and find his way in complete darkness to our room. It scared him so much he cried for doing it, but I guess it was a good way to get him transitioned all on his own. We told him since he could get out we had to move him to his new room, because the police would come get us if we knew he could get out and we didn't protect him by moving him to his new bed. He bought it and we were glad! So far (three nights down and he has done AMAZING. He has not escaped and slept just as good if not better in his new roomier bed! (he went from a crib to a full bed!) So it is official he told his baby room bye bye and he is a big kid now! Wow time sure does fly when you are having fun!

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