Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fun Zone

We introduced Davis and Jonah to Fun Zone today and the mommas came home exhausted!! We learned several things too! Like never go when school is out, there just might be a million school age kiddos there...not good for our little ones! Also, we now know where the first aid kit is, yes you guessed it D's lip met someone else's head and the head won! He bloodied his lip pretty bad, but did you know you got Popsicles if you hurt your lip? The boys loved that and so did the momma's! Not so excited about the hurt lip, but he was fine and it was kinda nice getting a little break to sit during all the commotion.
The boys enjoyed themselves and got very tired so it was a seven dollars well spent! Can't wait to go back with our playgroup and introduce them to all the FUN! Hope you can tell from the pics we had an amazing time! Despite the sign that said no parents on the jumpers this momma got on them anyway, gotta protect my boy and his buddies! Are you surprised?

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