Monday, October 24, 2011

Mia and Pops visit to TN


We were so excited to have Mia and Pops with us from Friday until Monday this weekend. We had lots of fun and Davis put on a show for some of his favorite people! We took Mia and Pops to the pumpkin farm and Davis showed them how to pick out the best pumpkins. We ended up buying 4, one for each of us. (the baby needed one too!)

oct 003oct 004oct 005Davis loves hiding in the pumpkins, he blends in so well!

oct 012searching for the best pumpkin, with daddy!

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He was so proud of this pumpkin baby he had to get his picture made with her! What an awesome big brother he is going to be!

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This outfit was worn by my sister, myself and my brother and Davis finally wore it this weekend! He was really excited about it so he struck some pretty awesome poses for me! What a ham! Thanks Mia for such an awesome gift…I hope all of our babies (Laura and Jarrett’s too) get to have their pic in this same outfit!


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YaY! I am finally 12 weeks and growing like a weed! HaHA! Oh well. I am glad to not be getting as sick as I was and getting a little bit more of my energy back!

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