Thursday, October 27, 2011

What would Davis say!

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This little ham cracks us up daily and I have to share some of his little moments with you!

*He LOVES shutting doors these days and his favorite line while shutting a door when you are still in the room is “See you next time mommy!”

*He is very into things that are your favorite. For instance, he LOVES picking out his favorite picture on the bulletin board in our kitchen every morning. He will say his, then ask you for your favorite and then he will begin going through his family and friends and picking their favorite for them. This process is repeated all day long with trucks, puzzles, colors of leaves, you get the picture!!!

*He is picking up some of our choice of phrases/words…some of them are Not so cool. “Back off momma!” –this one is totally his daddy’s!! “Oh my goodness!” m—mine fore sure!  “ Ahh man!” ---both of ours!

*He is also saying scripture all day long. It is as if it flows off his tongue. I LOVE this! Sometimes he even adds in his own words!! (uh oh is this adding to scripture or ???)  He will say “be strong and happy and courageous and do not be afraid!” ha-ha---he will scream I am happy when I tell him he is being fuzzy and he needs to cheer up so this one is awesome!

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*The other day we were wrapping a present for a little boy who has NOTHING and he said I don’t  want to give trucks away.” Can the little boy come over and play trucks with me?” We work diligently teaching Davis how lucky he is and how other kids don’t have the things he has. I guess this was a step in the right direction…he is only two! By the time we left for the party he was piling his trucks and cars into the little boys bag…”this one for the little boy and this one for the little boy…”

*He has now decided instead of a little girl in my belly it is just a baby, not a girl or a boy, but yet just a baby!

*He already enjoys sharing with the baby…he will reach up and grab my shirt and put a truck on my belly and pull my shirt back down and say “momma I’m sharing with the baby, they like trucks too!”

*He informed me today he could not go to sleep. When I asked why he said cause it was not dark outside. I explained it is only dark when we go night night for bedtime and not for nap time. He then decided we needed to go to Wal-Mart and get his new baby a blanket. Could this be stalling???

Davis Loves to tell me who he misses and that he needs them! It is so terrible sweet and goes perfectly with his sweet disposition! He will say “mommy, I just need my Mia & Pops!” I’ll say baby I know we will see them really soon and he will respond with “I just miss them!” He will even tell me he misses his baby and he needs them to come out. I will explain  the baby will be out after your birthday and how old will you be. “on march 31st?” and I’ll say yes and he will respond with “just three!”

Davis can ride his tricycle! Our neighbor, Andrew helping him!


MEMORY verses!

Our daddy song we sing every morning and afternoon when Daddy has to go to work!

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