Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pumpkin Farm and SO much MORE!

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WE ventured out this Saturday to a neat little working farm that had so many fun things for Davis to do. Corn mazes, cotton bins, scavenger hunts, duck races, barrell slides, tractor pulls, petting zoo, etc! It gave Huber’s  a run for their money!! (It was very kid oriented and much cheaper!!) Davis had a great time and we enjoyed ourselves as well!

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This was the scavenger hunt and trip to the farmers market. He did everything from milk a cow, to ride a tractor to choose his favorite way to eat beef. (he chose spaghetti!) It was so cute and D really got into it. At every station he collected items which he sold at the farmers market! (apples, potatoes, cotton, milk, etc)


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Cotton! They had a huge bin of cotton to play in, and that we did! We bounced, jumped threw and covered ourselves in the fluffy white stuff!


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the petting zoo. Davis especially loved feeding the donkeys with his daddy! They sure were hungry and Daivs had all the time in the world for them!



oct 079oct 080oct 084oct 085oct 086The tire playground! No more words required!


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This was the duck races. You pumped water using the pump and moved your duck to the other side. We stayed here forever. D really got into making his duck swim to the other side!

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The corn maze! We were sent through this corn maze to learn lots of things about farming. There were signs all around and we hole punched a card to finish the game!

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The corn box. What a great idea. The kids loved it and had a blast. Let’s just say I came home with corn in my clothes!

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Davis rode this pretend bull for a second and we climbed to the top of this pile of hay…we, I was so proud!


oct 119oct 121oct 130oct 131The barrel slide! Davis and his daddy enjoyed this one! He would shoot down it and be ready for another run at it! What a great daddy!

oct 124 You have no idea what it took to get this picture. All day he gave us these crazy looks and fake smiles! Oh well! WE sure did have fun and make some memories!

oct 126oct 127oct 128 His other favorite…a tractor ride through the farm!

oct 129 Davis’ favorite part of the ENTIRE day…A barrell ride behind a four wheeler! Umm. he was in love. He rode all the way around the farm by himself with the other kids and never missed a beat. He called it a choo choo train!


oct 132oct 133oct 134 We had to decorate our pumpkin when we got home and Davis chose a patches theme from pinterest! He thought it was great because we all got a color and we all took turns painting our patches! You think he’s a little proud of it?



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Even though our VOLS didn’t win, Davis and daddy sure did do their job in supporting them! Go VOLS!

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