Monday, October 17, 2011


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On our way to Knoxville we stopped to see Chuck and Bobbie! Davis asked to kiss and hug Mrs. Bobbie since he wasn’t allowed to touch Chuck! He did so good, he had his momma a little worried since it was already after his bedtime. He was so sweet..he sang Jesus loves me to Chuck and said his memory verses! He sure does love Chuck and Bobbie!

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Before the game we got some yummy crackle barrel and Davis found himself a new chair!

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Meme took us to Chuckie Cheese while the boys partied at the game, and boy did we have some FUN! Davis won lots of tickets and even got a new monster truck.

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After our nap we went to see Lion King 3D. It was amazing. Davis loved every minute of it! Maybe because he had popcorn, juice and sour patch kids at his disposal!! He kept saying “meme look a giraffe” or trying to grab at the animals as they popped out at us! It was so cute and we had so much FUN!


riding the monster truck!

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When the boys got home they had a lot of explaining to do…with Davis! Good thing papaw took some videos of the game and VOL walk!


We are so blessed to have two sets of wonderful grandparents! Davis is such a lucky boy and I know they can’t wait to spoil this new baby as well!

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