Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or trunk @ Main street

This year we had a couple of costume options for D (his momma is the queen of buying things a year a head of time and cheap) so after trying on each costume he chose the sheep! He knew he was pretty cute in it, because his momma and mia could not stop telling him how precious he was in it. Not sure you could have found a more precious or cute sheep!

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I snuck a couple of photos before church started…they got to wear their costumes during church services…it was a hoot!

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WE had to all get our picture taken with the cutest little sheep!

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Davis and the Ayer kiddos…he loves them!!

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Trick or Treat! Davis really only needed one thing….a sucker…just more. He LOVES suckers and if people let him pick he would bypass chocolate and all other goodies to get one dum dum!

We had such a successful night and I know the community had a great time. Davis enjoyed himself and had a blast so at our house this means SUCCESS!

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