Friday, October 28, 2011

Today was a Chuckie Cheese kind of day!

We had BIG plans to go to the zoo today, but the weather changed our plans so we ended up at Davis’ next favorite place…CHUCKIE CHEESE! He really wanted a friend to join him so we called Wyatt and headed to Jackson.

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Once we got there we found we had the place to our selves and the boys were in token and ticket heaven! Did you know if you’re the first ones there you get all the free tickets from when the workers check the machines ever am? Yep, you do! The boys just loved grabbing them out and putting them in the ticket muncher!

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They really enjoyed the playplace and took full advantage of having it all to themselves!

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Riding their first roller coaster together! So much fun!

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Waiting patiently while the man fixed a game they really wanted to play. Lucky for us it was ShowTime so they were tuned in to it and never missed a beat while he got the game all ready for them!


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Wyatt checking himself out on the blue screen. Davis was too busy keeping his eyes on Chuckie to come and see himself! They both kept telling Chuckie to stay there and not scare them!

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Game time! Wyatt thought it was more fun to take the puck and throw it in his goal, so Davis had an easy WIN!

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Riding a pretty scary dinosaur game, they loved it though!

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SNACK TIME! We usually never order any food but we decided we NEEDED some bread sticks! YUMMY! The boys enjoyed the show while they ate!

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Some of my favorite shots Chuckie style from our outing! Davis has planned a date for all of his friends to chuckies, so buddies you better watch out he is ready to party with Chuckie and you! (Jonah, Eli, Wyatt (the new one!!), Gracie, Payton, Kenzie and Corbin…his list keeps GROWING AND GROWING!)


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