Wednesday, October 2, 2013

17 months…and counting

Emerson you are growing so quickly and oh how I could make time slow down a little. I can’t, I’ve tried so I promise to take each day as a treasure and make it last as long as I can, to picture it so you can remember it for a life time and to never forget your sweet smell, hugs, kisses and precious little voice. This month seemed to pass by the quickest so far. I literally feel like just yesterday I was writing your 16 month post. You are one unique and awesome little girl. We are so captivated by your walk, voice and your mannerisms. You amaze us with your climbing ability, your no fear attitude and your sincere and genuine “hi d” to those you meet!

You are the best sleeper around and I sure love watching you sleep! You are still in love with taking two naps a day, so if we are home you get them, if not you don’t and you make it just fine. You sleep like a champ at night and most nights will grab your blanket, baby and play cookie and say night night when you are ready for bed!

 16 mo

You even pooped on the potty! YEs I took a picture! I took one of Davis fist time too! HA! I think this was a freak thing, but nonetheless your first time! HA! You are obsessed about going potty. You love to run to the bathroom anytime Davis goes. You will sit with your diaper on or off and try to go..most the time you just toot, but I think it is awesome that you love it so much! Not many two year olds love going much less babies less than 2!

16 mo1

You have developed a cheese face and this is it…showing off your 6 teeth! We did find that you have your top molars in now!


You love to eat ANYTHING and have gotten quite in to feeding yourself, hence the mess and the no shirt! You also love your bows and will finally ask for one to keep your hair out of your face! Here you are sporting a bow your lala got you..SO CUTE!

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You love your grands and will call them by name when you see their pictures! You really love saying Pops and Meme this month!


You love your brother and cannot stand to not know where he is or to not be able to see him, however, he can be a touchy boy and you have learned how to get him to stop!


You love flowers and never hesitate to stop and smell them as you are here, may we always give you these precious moments you need to enjoy God’s creation!


You love doing crafts, paints, etc. with Davis and I and occasionally I let you do them all on your own..your first water color picture!


You will pretty much play anything, and here you are amusing your brother by participating in a fire safety meeting!


You love Elmo and love watching you tubes of him on the ipad..when Davis shares! HA! Here you are sharing sweetly!


On a recent trip to Nashville you were seriously determined to swim, you could not stop going under…BRAVE!!!


WE sure love loving on you!


You are the busiest little girl around. You love to read books, explore, climb, sing, dance, take care of your babies, dress up, put on shoes, and just in general be BUSY!


Here you are with one of your babies! You love baby Grayson and we are so lucky his momma lets you love all over him!


Here is one thing you never get tired of…climbing and pretending with your brother. You were both pretending these were bunk beds and you were resting…HA!


Again your love for books makes me so happy! You cannot get enough of them and you know so many words because of your book love!


YOU love to EAT! The happiest, messiest, eater I know!


What a fun month we have had and we are already making more memories today! I am enjoying you so much and I love how you complete our family! We love singing with you (you will come up to us and sing I love..and wait for us to sing the rest while you hum it and hug and kiss us, you also love abcs and ring around the rosie), praying with you (you hold your hands so sweetly by your face and make sure everyone is praying and you raise your hands and say AMEN!), talking with you (you are saying most any word now and even putting two together now..I do, thank you, love you, bye bye), rocking you (you love to be rocked and sang to as you get ready for bed), read to (although you know how most of your books start and end now!) and just making memories with you! Our prayer is that you will always be HIS, love others, and live like Jesus sharing his love with everyone! You are so special. BTW, I have started telling you a line from a movie I saw when pregnant with you and I love how you answer my questions now about it..YOU ARE  KIND, YOU ARE SMART, YOU ARE IMPORTANT! When I ask you if you are these things you say yes with a big head nod and if you are not acting kind, I will say Emerson you are kind, are you acting kind and you will say no! HA! 

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