Monday, October 14, 2013


I tell you since this child could eat table food he has been slurping down McAllister's broccoli cheese soup…at the age of 4.5 he is still doing it! He loves it and I love seeing him eat it!


Sunday morning at worship Emerson was really into the worship, she kept everyone around entertained with her HUGE clapping, Amen’s and prayer hands! I sure love the God moments from my children and pray they are always this in love with worshiping our AMAZING god!


SO I’ve mentioned it on here before but I will say it again Emerson HATES the car. Even short rides she is gets very impatient and wants “out” as soon as you get her in, today was a different story. She found stickers and never made a peep. I will be investing in stickers till she can ride this quite all the time! And..she looks pretty awesome too!  


I rarely take sweet moments such as this one to sneak in a photo with my babies but today I couldn’t pass this one up..they are just too stinking cute! I love being their mommy!


Davis and Emerson spent their first overnight together at Meme and Pawpaw’s and had a BIG time! I got these pictures while they were away…



Making pumpkin cookies!


Picking out pumpkins and painting them with LALA!


Thanks Meme, Pawpaw, Lala and Rob for all the sweet moments you gave my children this weekend. They had a blast and I know they cannot wait to come back!

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