Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cincy bound

Some of our best friends from Louisville moved to Cincinnati recently and we have been dying to get there and see their new town and house and so this weekend we made it happen! This couple means so much to us and we spent many a nights with them in our 5 year long journey in Louisville. They practically mentored us before we had kids, challenged us spiritually and let us borrow their kids along with their mini van to give us “practice.” Ha! Our trip was long especially with a car rider who doesn’t like the car, but it was all worth it and we had a great time, we only wish our visit could have been longer! The boys spent some time getting sushi, Emily and I went to an outlet mall and the kids had a blast playing and we all loved the pumpkin festival!

On the road again…in style of course


Posing for pictures!!!


Pumpkin Festival…..Those are some big pumpkins!


Building a tool box and basket (for kylie)


Petting the friendly goat


on the girls shopping adventure you never know what you’ll find!


Slumbering and dreaming of home!


We had a beautiful visit and can’t wait till their return to Milan in the spring! WE love making memories with our friends! Thanks for the visit and the special time! We love each and every one of you!

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