Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Preschool Halloween party

Davis had his Halloween party today so of course Emerson and myself showed up to enjoy the fun as well!

Davis and his buddy Trevor!

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Davis and Emerson…

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Davis and his pumpkin…All of the kids were asked to pick a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch and bring it back decorated. Davis wanted  something with the FD, so thank you Pinterest, we made a FD helicopter.

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Pumpkin parade

Davis and his treat bag, by the end of the party it was so full candy was falling out of it…ekk!

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Playing games and winning prizes!

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All of the pumpkins, they all did such a great job!

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All of the kids…

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Me and my babies!

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Blessing our food..

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Time to EAT

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Five little pumpkins…

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Oh my word look who is too big for words…

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And this is where too much sugar gets you..on the floor!

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We had such a great time at the party. Davis sure loves his school, friends and his awesome teacher. Glad we are at the best preschool for our little man!


Some of our Halloween crafts..

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