Monday, October 14, 2013

Fall break

Despite only going to preschool two days a week they had fall break this week and I must say Davis would have loved to go and skip the break. HE loves school! He sure did love saying he was on fall break though! HA! We didn’t go anywhere but had lots of fun here and with the grandparents!

Here Emerson is enjoying spaghetti night! I got smart and took her shirt off after our last run in with spaghetti!


Davis went to the dentist one day during his break. He really loves going to see how his teeth look, getting a surprise out of the treasure chest and checking on Ms. Meagan and Dr. Brian!


While we waited she snacked…shocker!


We spent one of Emerson's naps working all of the floor puzzles we own. I’m ashamed we have so many, but this boy LOVES puzzles!


We spent a lot of time outside and this girl could not have been happier about that!


Neither could these two. Jaleigh came over one day so her parents could work and these two had a blast. I broke up several arguments but nothing this momma couldn’t handle!


Popsicles are more fun when shared with others!


We even made crafts..Halloween ghosts!


These two are the cutest blondes I know! So glad they get along so well. (for the most part! HA!)


Playing games on the I pad…..


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