Wednesday, October 23, 2013

If you REALLY know me, you will know this is BIG news! WE HAVE A DOG!

A dog has entered the Wellington family! Yes, those of you who really know me can pick your chin off the ground and breath again. You heard me, we have a Dog! Better known as Reese, or Reese Cup! It was all very unplanned and just a friendly walk around the neighborhood and boom ,we had a dog. Seriously, we went for a walk on Monday afternoon after the kids woke up from their nap and played with the neighbors, as usual. Then another sweet neighbor came home and we knew they had rescued some puppies so Davis asked to see them…this should have been my sign since all he talks about is a puppy and he was wearing a puppy costume for goodness sakes! They had two, brothers. Davis immediately clung to one and never let go of him. He screamed “go get my wallet I am going to buy him, take all my money!” He said don’t get me anything for Christmas I just want him. You can get him a puppy toy but that’s it! I knew I was in trouble! I sent Walker some pics and a video and after a trial day the rest is really history. All D would do was talk about the puppy…

what can I teach him

is he mine

When will ya’ll make the decision

What do we need to get

I don’t want anything else!

We broke. I mean I broke. Walker was just about as smitten as Davis was. He has already YouTube every video about teaching puppies tricks and he is convinced he is the smartest puppy! Which Davis says is because it’s the one he picked! HA! I really am not in touch with my animal side, but I love my kids and when I see my sweet little guy with this puppy it melts my heart and I couldn’t say no! With some sweet friends sharing their puppy knowledge, others sharing their dog essentials it was a done deal! HE is officially a Wellington..Reese Cup Wellington…named by none other than Davis! Here they are on their first meeting…



I mean you say no to that!


And so a boys dream is come true..His sister, his jeep and his dog…nothing can make this smile go away!


Seriously, can you stand it….


Walker giving out treats for sitting!


This dog is so laid back..he goes anywhere D does


I mean he is in total bliss!


laid back rider!


yes even a skateboard ride!!!

I had to take care of him today while d was at school and we bonded..well sort kisses or anything but lots of pics and playing…that’s a start for this girl!

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Random but my sweet nephew came over yesterday and I snagged these sweet pics of him and my babies! I love cousin relationships! D and E are so very proud of baby Mack!

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