Saturday, October 19, 2013

Blessed Momma

Emerson was blessed with HAIR, unlike Davis at this age and we have so much fun with it! She loves rocking her hair bows and if they fall out she will usually run and find me and hand me her bow and say hair bow! Today we decided to do something fun..piggy tails with a twist! SHE loved it!


she loved showing them off!


Her brother especially loved the new do and decided they must have pictures made!



the is the after hair..haha!


We stopped by the dollar tree to pick up some things I wanted and I let these two pick out a surprise…Davis picked out a Rhino and Emerson picked out this fancy Elmo balloon!~ I wasn’t shocked by either choice! Emerson adores Elmo and Davis has a fascination for Rhino since his daddy works for Rhino construction! HE also thinks he works there too!


Emerson is my well rounded girl..she goes from cuddling a baby to picking up anything outdoors and exploring, whew! BUSY is not a big enough word to describe this child!


This little man and me sure have fun when Emmy naps..What will I do without my helper when he goes to school next year..eek!


Thank you god for crumbs on my floor, being woke at 6:45 by my oldest to tell me he needs to sleep with me because he is snotty, for messes in my house, for hearing the word mommy, mom, mamma 10000000000 times a day! I wouldn’t trade this life for anything! I am blessed! Recognize your blessing even though they may be mundane to you on an everyday basis!  Changing diapers, sweeping the floor 5 times a day, reading the same book over and over are truly blessings..You have children, you have a house, you have food to make crumbs, you can read, you own books, you can hear, you can see…the list goes on and on!

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