Thursday, March 27, 2014

Zoo day number 2

Who would have thought we would have been lucky enough to visit the zoo two weeks in a row? We were very excited to join Jack, Isaac and Mrs. Stephanie at the zoo today! IT was a tad breezy, but the animals were very active and it made for a great zoo experience. IT helped that our kids got along so well and it was such a laid back and easy trip.

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look at that face of excitement!

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this kid loves a slide..

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two very sweet, handsome climbers!

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enjoying their break watching the penguins…look at all that personality!


posing by the animals and being silly


we got to touch this creature….


a special treat…riding the carousel!


Such a fun day and such great memories with our sweet friends! Emmy didn’t mind being the only girl and the boys were so well behaved! Can’t wait to go back again!

Pretend Birthday at School!

Davis was so excited to celebrate his birthday a little early at school on Wednesday! We made orange cupcakes and joined his class for some birthday fun. Peyton never left his side and Emerson enjoyed spending some school time with bubba!

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story time…

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saying the pledge…

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Convinced him to take off his TN hat to wear the birthday hat!

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Time to eat!

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Happy school birthday little man, I cannot believe you are already 5!

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Enjoying her brother turning 5…a little too much!

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We are so blessed to have such a wonderful school and teacher that provides Davis with an awesome preschool program!


I just love this little girl so much and I especially love dressing her up, because she loves it so much! I think she can tell when she is looking cute, what do you think?

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What a mess!


Seriously, can she be any messier?
