Sunday, March 2, 2014

22 months

Emerson Oneita is 22 months and counting….

Emmy let me count the ways (22 for today) why I love you…

You are an independent little girl who doesn’t need anyone or anything to be happy!


You look like this when I tell you to smile! HA!


This is about as mad as you get!


You will get this excited over little things..elmo, barney, your daddy, brother, or mommy!


Your beautiful blondish curly hair


The fact that you insist on wearing jewelry everyday!


The way you curl up in your recliner and read your “pinkt” bible daily!


Your obsession with shows, the pad and saying please to anything you REALLY want!


The fact that you can count to five…with a little help from momma!


The way you ask everyone to sing to you and you request your favorite songs as you dance along!


Watching you with your daddy, it brings back memories of me with my daddy! (I love when you say walker dow!)


The way you substitute your f’s for s’….


Your desire to read as many books as you possibly can every day.


The way you run!


The way you capture my heart with “I love you!”


Your morning breath every morning when you greet me in my bed!


You look up to your brother!


Your brother is your favorite playmate!


You will build blocks now and not just knock them down!


You look so sweet and say “sor sor” for sorry when you are in trouble!


You let this little man boss you around and only say no no to him when you reach your limit!


You peed on the potty with no one even in the bathroom with you! When I am in there you just want me to pee!


***You have wicked awesome dance moves!

Elmo and Emmy got the moves….

God sure has blessed us with a beautiful, spunky, observant, loving, and wise beyond her years little missy! You are still number one in our book. You continue to eat like a champ, take naps and sleep in your crib like a big girl, wear size four diapers, and 18 month clothing, enjoy playing with others, reading books, listening to barney or Elmo, wearing jewelry, readying your bible, seeing babies, greeting familiar faces when you see them. New things you are doing are saying peoples complete names: daddy, walker dow, etc., count to five, name at least 5 colors, use your manners with out prompts, follow complex commands without help, work increasingly difficult puzzles and sing songs!  We love you Emmy-o.

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