Monday, March 3, 2014


These two faces sure were glad to finally see their daddy after last night without him. When they woke up and saw snow they were pumped to go out and play in it. So glad Emmy is big enough this year to enjoy it! She sure has gotten used to this white stuff and loves sledding now!


We went out before daddy got home and checked out all the snow and sledding possibilities!


Not only was it beautiful but it was much different than any other snow we have have had in the past, it did not crunch in…so ICY!

The real fun happened when daddy FINALLY came home and we met up with some of our awesome neighbors!


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eating icicles!

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emmy loved watching everyone from the bed of the truck..

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Our sweet Jill baby and Matt and Jack!

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Yes, we even took Ellie sledding!

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Emmy loved sledding with daddy!

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We have the best neighbors…another favorite Janet, Kirk, Matthew and Kate

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Janet got brave and decided to sled down the hill….

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Love making memories with my sweet family and precious neighbors and friends!

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Nothing says we are warm like warm strawberry cookies! CHEERS!

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Sledding on timberline drive, not for the weak!

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