Friday, March 14, 2014

A little of this and a little of that, from this week

Monday we FINALLY made it to our 50th day of school, so what do you do when you meet that goal? Have a nifty fifties party of course! Davis and Peyton were decked out and ready to go! Davis loved his coke float but I am not going to lie he was not excited about the gel in his hair (which was combed over) rolled up pants and shirt and nothing else…he kept telling me “mom this is just so different and I am not sure if I like it!” My son is going to be just like his daddy, he likes to just keep things normal, nothing new! HA!

nifty fifties 001nifty fifties 002nifty fifties 003nifty fifties 004

Davis also had his first coach pitch practice this week…can’t wait to see what this season holds!


We found this fire truck while eating and Mojo’s and had to get our picture made with it!


a little static electricity……


We went to story hour with Jack again! WHAT fun this two are! It’s like having twins! We made bird feeders, got binoculars and read stories about birds!


We anxiously awaited for Mia’s arrival…sporting our UK attire of course!


Davis and one of his church buddies, Hudson getting ready to praise god in worship!


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