Friday, March 7, 2014


I’m not catholic, no, I call myself a Christ follower.

I love God with all my heart, soul, mind. I do not always succeed. I mess up…A LOT! I attempt to live like Jesus so those who know him will be encouraged by me and so those who don’t know him might come to see him in me. I expose my kids to Bible stories using the Jesus storybook and other various children’s Bibles, we talk about GOD all the time. We sing about God, praise God and pray to God multiple times a day.

Recently, we were asked by our church leaders to fast, to give up something during lent and spend that time with Christ rather than on that item/activity we chose. What a blessing to be encouraged to spend more time with HIM.

I’ve been questioned since my fast… various people (namely, people who worship just as I do and other places) why? Why do you observe this “catholic holiday” why are you giving up something? Why FB? WHY? WHY? WHY?

While I welcome a discussion on fasting, I wonder why all the criticizing remarks regarding fasting, other religions, traditions, etc..  

Have we become so pompous as a group of people that we believe anything different, or from a different group of people is WRONG?

Let's think about it…Giving up something to spend more time with HIM…..I’ll say it again…Giving up something to spend more time with HIM….

NOPE! Sorry, not going to do it! IT sounds a little strange, a little to “catholic” for me SO it must be WRONG or not for me……

I think we all need to constantly challenge our beliefs, our faith (to grow, of course) and search ways that will cause growth to happen and to continue to happen.

So yes maybe during my early walk with HIM, I may have questioned this, I may have wondered is it really ok to commit to something like this…I may have limited my God and kept him inside that box (a pretty one at that, all wrapped with a bow and stuff!) and said no way I can’t give up something and give the illusion I might think something someone else does actually might be a good idea

Not today folks! I most certainly love the idea of fasting and giving up something worldly to spend more time with my God! Think what you wish, start rumors, talk amongst yourselves….

Liz is giving up Facebook for lent!

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