Thursday, March 20, 2014

Zoo day with Meme and Lala & Rob

We were so excited for our first zoo trip on the first day of spring! We were also pumped about sharing this experience with Meme, Lala, Rob and his family. We had such a great day and I hope you see that throughout the post!

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Emerson sure loved the elephants!

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She also loved showing me how big the giraffes were!

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Can’t get enough of this zoo fun!

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The kids were all smiles on the carousel!

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Davis even found a Rhino for his daddy!

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This girl is smitten for “ob”! Pretty sure he feels the same for her!

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Medieval Davis!

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Looking at the pandas eat their bamboo!

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more panda watching..

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We were so excited to get to see the penguins be fed…

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Watching the seal show makes you thirsty and hungry!

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In awe of this creature!

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Snuggling in the hole…

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Indian Davis…

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Emmy captured another soul..”Mary” This girl is so sweet and loves to love on people!

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Riding the camel was Davis favorite thing today! Thanks Mary Ann for taking him on this adventure.

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This girl did not mind sitting this one out!

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They were both intrigued by this pregnant camel. Davis kept asking the poor zoo keeper question after question.

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Another favorite moment of the trip…running into our buddies! Sweet kids sure love another and were so excited to see each other unexpectedly. Sometimes the best plans are the ones not made! Emmy got some baby loving, Cole and Davis had some great boy time and Jordan well sat back and took it all in! We were suppose to have left the zoo by this point, then we stayed to see the snakes but stopped to see the hippos being active and we ran into our sweet friends and it made for such a sweet ending to our zoo trip! We love you guys.



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We sure had a great day. Naps were cut short, we got a little fussy at night but memories made today are worth it. Thanks Meme for riding with us and taking this zoo adventure with us! We love you!

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