Friday, March 7, 2014

SNOWED in with Kentucky on our MINDS!

The kids and I had huge plans this week while daddy had a conference in Florida..We were heading to KY to see Mia and Pops! Little did we know we would get snowed in so BADLY that daddy wouldn’t even let us leave the neighborhood! I’m not going to lie living in this neighborhood is AMAZING! We have the best neighbors, hills for sledding and running and some of the sweetest kids, but when it snows and ices it is NEARLY impossible to commute in anything but a four wheel drive truck! SO….I think Meme and Pawpaw knew how disappointed we were not to get to go to KY so they made a plan to get us and let us hide out at their house while Walker was gone! We had SNOW much fun and it was good to get out of the house/neighborhood for a minute! The normal drive usually takes about 20 minutes to meet, instead it took about an hour…

snow LOOK what we drove on!!!!

But boy oh boy was it fun! We made our own OLAF!!!


Called daddy a lot…my kids are fascinated with a home phone!


Took lots of naps…


Went super fast down lots of hills…


Got to hang out with these two crazy love birds!


Eat lots of yummy food, that I didn’t have to cook! Thanks MEME!


And our most favorite go to the discovery center in Union City!

We explored the little kids area…

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in the fish aquarium…

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go up on the tower…

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stare at this beautiful princess

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walk around the tower…

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hug and kiss on lala

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make momma feel VERY loved…

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snuggle on the glass floor…

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drive a military helicopter…

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We are home now and everyone is slumbering quietly in their own beds! Nothing like getting a way for a couple of days but man oh man do I miss my bed! Even more so my sweet husband! Thankful for all the sacrifices he makes to keep us safe, and give us the chance to make sweet memories while he is away! Thanks Meme and Pawpaw for the wonderful hospitality! We sure are sad we didn’t get to go to KY Mia and Pops! So glad you will be home tonight Walker!

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