Thursday, March 20, 2014

My kids bring joy to my life and laughter to my lips…

This is how Emerson decides to ride home from church. The first one she is totally awake, the second one…not so much! HA! My girl even sleeps in style!


Happy St. Patrick's Day! Davis sure loved rocking his green shirt at school! HE made sure he didn’t get pinched!


Emerson and I enjoyed a story hour all on the history of St. Patrick's day…well, not sure she learned much but, she loved the cookies and the craft!


These two make me SO happy. EVERY day!


This guy right here is one smart four year old! He is the ONLY one and FIRST one who knows all of his letters and their sounds! Way to go Davis Walker! You make us so proud!


My love train!


Hanging out with lala is NEVER boring! We had some fun while it rained at the football game. Funny story…Every one at the game was standing for the star spangled banner and I decided to recite the pledge of allegiance with the kids. At the end I said “..with liberty and justice for…_____” Without even blinking and eye Emmy said “Five.”  HAHA! We have a smart girl on our hands!  She is not even two yet and she can count to five!


When the rain stopped Davis found joy in sitting with Dickey as he watched the boys play!


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