Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Davis explores Charlotte

Davis does not quite know what he thinks of Charlotte yet. Here's a quick video of him checking her out!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Davis giggles

I didn't get the best giggles, of course I was to late. Still had to share. That boy sure loves his daddy!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Davis Can

In a world of negativity (not sure if this is even a word-ha!) I wanted to do an updated post on the things Davis can do...
dance to music
wave hi and bye
give kisses and hugs
moo like a cow
do the monkey
clap his hands
do the fish
bang two toys togather
make anyone smile
talk (says dada, mama-yes finally, moo, hey, hi, bye-bye, nana, lala)
hold a telphone to his ear and say hey
find his mama and dada
make messes
open and turn pages in a book
open drawers and cabnients (even with child locks)
feed himself snacks
drink by himself from a sippy cup
look at you with those blue eyes when you say NO
hand you items
get your attention
Davis is my little ray of sunshine even when it is cloudy, thank you little one for being mine! I love you!

Monday, February 15, 2010

my Valentine boys

So a little late, but what can I say...
To the man that stole my heart and asked me to be his wife almost seven years ago, I love you! I will never look at a purple jolly rancher the way I look at them now. You chose me and for that I am forever greatful. The way you love me is unbelievable and I admire you so much. To be such a great hubby, friend, worker, christian, son, brother is fascinating! You complete me and I love loving you! I am so blessed to have a hubby that works all day, comes home with little down time to a family that he is deeply invested, then to sit at a computer where you have one more semester till you graduate with your MBA. What an amazing man, thanks for being mine!
To my little one who came in my life and forever changed me...
I love your sweet smile that greets me when I see you, I love your big hugs that you offer so graciously, and I will never ever forget the way your eyes look at me when I lay you down for naps/bedtime. I live for your giggles, and your sweet spirit. Little boys mess with their momma's and little one you had me as soon as I knew you were in my belly. You will always be momma's little boy, my first born and my friend.
I am blessed by my valentines...Hope your day was happy!!!


Davis loves to dance!!

4 1/2 double wide

So Davis has never been a small, petite or even tiny baby and Saturday proved it very well. There is a man in Dyersburg who fit Shelley (mom in law), Lane (sis in law) and WAlker for shoes when they started walking. OF course, Davis needed to go and get fitted so we went. IT was so cute they let him walk up some stairs that was basically a stage with minature rockers on it. Then this man "Mr Bill" measures your foot. Let me tell you Mr Bill is an older man who chews on a cigar. Davis was not too sure about him and wanted the process to be very quick. He was very adament about Davis getting walking shoes and not trendy ones till he got a little older. We ended up with a size 4 1/2 double wide shoes!! HAHA! As soon as they were on his feet he looked down and them and would not move. He was not convinced they were the shoes for him; however, with some sweet words from mommy he began to walk in them and feel them out. We left with the new shoes on his feet and one very proud GRammie. THanks for the new walking shoes Grammie! Pictures to come soon.

I love to clean

Just a quick video of my little one running the swiffer wet jet-he is so helpful, if only he knew how to pick up what he gets out!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The EAR saga

So Tuesday was the big day. Not only was it tubes day, we got some major snow! We left for the surgery center with DAvis in his pj's and his sx toy (Mia's request) and he did perfect on the drive. He never even really made a peep-which was a good thing since the roads were so bad and Walker was really having to concentrate. We got there checked in, payed our whopping 984 dollars and waited to be called back. They took us back to preop where Davis road in a car and played while the many nurses/doctors talked to us about what all would happen. They told us to give him a kiss and they whisked him and his blankey off to the OR. We sat down in the waiting room at 7:27 and at 7:35 they came to get us to explain how things went. I barely had time to wipe my tears and it was over-sooo glad. The recovery room nurse came to get us about 5 minutes later and told us Davis was not awake, but crying and we could come back. She handed me Davis and told me to feed him as he was trying to wake up. He ate for 20 minutes (which was totally surprising since he usually eats for 5-7 mins) and then he was ready to go. The whole process as you can see was very easy and quick. Just what a new momma needed. A day later Davis is doing great and we have really seen no change in him; however, we did not see any of the warning signs before the sx. Who knows, just praying we did what was best for are little boy.

Davis Walker walking!!!

Finally a video to show off my little DW walking! Enjoy!

Monday, February 8, 2010

10 months ago

What a change these last 10 months have brought to my life-for the better!!!
In 10 short months...
I am able to look at a blue eyed blonde hair little one,
I am able to watch my baby say words like dada, hey, hi, bye-bye, mama, nana, lala,
I am able to chase a litte boy in a store,
I am able to watch my baby blow kisses, clap his hands yeah, moo like a cow, do the monkey and go get (just about anything-such a good listener),
I am able to wake up EVERY morning by 7am and be greeted by a hungry baby boy,
I am able to put a very tired boy to bed by 8pm and spend some time with his daddy,
I am able to introduce new foods, textures and drinks to a growing boy,
I am able to watch a precious little one snooze during nap times (on his video monitor-by far my favorite baby item!!),
I am able to watch a very active boy run with his balls and share them with his daddy,
I am able to watch a daddy and his baby boy sing and dance to silly songs on the computer,
I am able to watch a room of people light up when my little one gives one of his smiles that is so big you can see from behind him,
I am able to be loved so much by baby boy that thinks I am the greatest person ever,
I am able watch my baby run to the door when he hears the garage door open and I say "daddy's home,"
I am blessed beyond measure, thank you God for my life and all the rich blessings you have given me! What more could I ask for.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Money does NOT grow on trees...INS Company!!!

Wow, so as if I needed another blow to the stomach (refer to earlier post)the surgery center just called and wanted to let me know how much money I needed to bring to Davis' surgery on Tuesday. $984 dollars people! Are they crazy! This brings our total for Davis' ears to 2 thousand dollars between copays, medicines, specialists, and surgery! Seriously does my insurance company think we have a tree out back? I mean really. I only hope that all of this brings relief to Davis and his precious ears/hearing, and everything will be resolved. (oh so important)
I am not sure if it has just been our crazy experience with health insurance since Davis' arrival or what but I have a real bitter taste in my mouth for INS right now. Wondering how the big wigs at the INS companies sleep at night!!!

Moms aren't suppose to get sick!!

SO it's been 10 months since baby D has been in our lives and I have not been sick at all. This is probably due to the fact that mommies are not allowed to get sick. Yesterday was a different story-I had the full blown stomach bug-not just yuck, but super yucky. My sweet hubby took wonderful care of me and baby D and we made it, but it was no fun at all. Walker was actually suppose to leave on a work trip and ended up having to stay at home. I know you are thinking I did it on purpose so he wouldn't have to leave, but trust me I would have much rather missed him than have been sick. Feeling mostly better today, still just a little queasy!
Gotta add a quick funny (do not read if you are grossed out by too many details)
SO my sweet hubby cleaned up my nasty mess, since I don't know how to make it to the toliet/trashcan, and through all of the nasty towels in the washer. He washed them twice and told me to dry them. When taking them out I noticed pieces of food on them (obviously my chunks from vomiting) and I shook them out, as I was doing this Davis found a chunk and started to try it-ohhh so appetizing! Just a note to always shake the chunks before washing them!!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well got the news today at the ENT that little one has gotta get tubes! YIKES. Not what I wanted to hear, but God gave me peace in the office to atleast make it out without crying. I know tubes are nothing in the scheme of things and alot of children have to get them, but to me it's a BIG deal. The surgery is next Tuesday and just praying that all goes well and that Davis does not have to go through any more ear mess. Walker has been traveling lots lately and all of this has been hard to deal with, especially with him not around. Learning to depend on God for strength is something I am defintely learning through this experience. Being a people person I love to lean on others and God is showing me that all I need is him. He has also showed me that my friends/family are here to lend a helping hand, but ultimately I have to learn to lean on him and allow the others to be my Jesus while on earth. THanks to all you friends/family who are always there and are constantly shining for Christ! I love you all.