Monday, February 15, 2010

4 1/2 double wide

So Davis has never been a small, petite or even tiny baby and Saturday proved it very well. There is a man in Dyersburg who fit Shelley (mom in law), Lane (sis in law) and WAlker for shoes when they started walking. OF course, Davis needed to go and get fitted so we went. IT was so cute they let him walk up some stairs that was basically a stage with minature rockers on it. Then this man "Mr Bill" measures your foot. Let me tell you Mr Bill is an older man who chews on a cigar. Davis was not too sure about him and wanted the process to be very quick. He was very adament about Davis getting walking shoes and not trendy ones till he got a little older. We ended up with a size 4 1/2 double wide shoes!! HAHA! As soon as they were on his feet he looked down and them and would not move. He was not convinced they were the shoes for him; however, with some sweet words from mommy he began to walk in them and feel them out. We left with the new shoes on his feet and one very proud GRammie. THanks for the new walking shoes Grammie! Pictures to come soon.

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