Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The EAR saga

So Tuesday was the big day. Not only was it tubes day, we got some major snow! We left for the surgery center with DAvis in his pj's and his sx toy (Mia's request) and he did perfect on the drive. He never even really made a peep-which was a good thing since the roads were so bad and Walker was really having to concentrate. We got there checked in, payed our whopping 984 dollars and waited to be called back. They took us back to preop where Davis road in a car and played while the many nurses/doctors talked to us about what all would happen. They told us to give him a kiss and they whisked him and his blankey off to the OR. We sat down in the waiting room at 7:27 and at 7:35 they came to get us to explain how things went. I barely had time to wipe my tears and it was over-sooo glad. The recovery room nurse came to get us about 5 minutes later and told us Davis was not awake, but crying and we could come back. She handed me Davis and told me to feed him as he was trying to wake up. He ate for 20 minutes (which was totally surprising since he usually eats for 5-7 mins) and then he was ready to go. The whole process as you can see was very easy and quick. Just what a new momma needed. A day later Davis is doing great and we have really seen no change in him; however, we did not see any of the warning signs before the sx. Who knows, just praying we did what was best for are little boy.

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