Thursday, February 4, 2010

Moms aren't suppose to get sick!!

SO it's been 10 months since baby D has been in our lives and I have not been sick at all. This is probably due to the fact that mommies are not allowed to get sick. Yesterday was a different story-I had the full blown stomach bug-not just yuck, but super yucky. My sweet hubby took wonderful care of me and baby D and we made it, but it was no fun at all. Walker was actually suppose to leave on a work trip and ended up having to stay at home. I know you are thinking I did it on purpose so he wouldn't have to leave, but trust me I would have much rather missed him than have been sick. Feeling mostly better today, still just a little queasy!
Gotta add a quick funny (do not read if you are grossed out by too many details)
SO my sweet hubby cleaned up my nasty mess, since I don't know how to make it to the toliet/trashcan, and through all of the nasty towels in the washer. He washed them twice and told me to dry them. When taking them out I noticed pieces of food on them (obviously my chunks from vomiting) and I shook them out, as I was doing this Davis found a chunk and started to try it-ohhh so appetizing! Just a note to always shake the chunks before washing them!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so gross! Haha. Glad you are feeling better! I finally started to feel mostly normal around bedtime last night. Rough 24 hours! Good job Walker!
