Monday, February 8, 2010

10 months ago

What a change these last 10 months have brought to my life-for the better!!!
In 10 short months...
I am able to look at a blue eyed blonde hair little one,
I am able to watch my baby say words like dada, hey, hi, bye-bye, mama, nana, lala,
I am able to chase a litte boy in a store,
I am able to watch my baby blow kisses, clap his hands yeah, moo like a cow, do the monkey and go get (just about anything-such a good listener),
I am able to wake up EVERY morning by 7am and be greeted by a hungry baby boy,
I am able to put a very tired boy to bed by 8pm and spend some time with his daddy,
I am able to introduce new foods, textures and drinks to a growing boy,
I am able to watch a precious little one snooze during nap times (on his video monitor-by far my favorite baby item!!),
I am able to watch a very active boy run with his balls and share them with his daddy,
I am able to watch a daddy and his baby boy sing and dance to silly songs on the computer,
I am able to watch a room of people light up when my little one gives one of his smiles that is so big you can see from behind him,
I am able to be loved so much by baby boy that thinks I am the greatest person ever,
I am able watch my baby run to the door when he hears the garage door open and I say "daddy's home,"
I am blessed beyond measure, thank you God for my life and all the rich blessings you have given me! What more could I ask for.

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