Thursday, February 4, 2010

Money does NOT grow on trees...INS Company!!!

Wow, so as if I needed another blow to the stomach (refer to earlier post)the surgery center just called and wanted to let me know how much money I needed to bring to Davis' surgery on Tuesday. $984 dollars people! Are they crazy! This brings our total for Davis' ears to 2 thousand dollars between copays, medicines, specialists, and surgery! Seriously does my insurance company think we have a tree out back? I mean really. I only hope that all of this brings relief to Davis and his precious ears/hearing, and everything will be resolved. (oh so important)
I am not sure if it has just been our crazy experience with health insurance since Davis' arrival or what but I have a real bitter taste in my mouth for INS right now. Wondering how the big wigs at the INS companies sleep at night!!!

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