Monday, February 15, 2010

my Valentine boys

So a little late, but what can I say...
To the man that stole my heart and asked me to be his wife almost seven years ago, I love you! I will never look at a purple jolly rancher the way I look at them now. You chose me and for that I am forever greatful. The way you love me is unbelievable and I admire you so much. To be such a great hubby, friend, worker, christian, son, brother is fascinating! You complete me and I love loving you! I am so blessed to have a hubby that works all day, comes home with little down time to a family that he is deeply invested, then to sit at a computer where you have one more semester till you graduate with your MBA. What an amazing man, thanks for being mine!
To my little one who came in my life and forever changed me...
I love your sweet smile that greets me when I see you, I love your big hugs that you offer so graciously, and I will never ever forget the way your eyes look at me when I lay you down for naps/bedtime. I live for your giggles, and your sweet spirit. Little boys mess with their momma's and little one you had me as soon as I knew you were in my belly. You will always be momma's little boy, my first born and my friend.
I am blessed by my valentines...Hope your day was happy!!!

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