Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well got the news today at the ENT that little one has gotta get tubes! YIKES. Not what I wanted to hear, but God gave me peace in the office to atleast make it out without crying. I know tubes are nothing in the scheme of things and alot of children have to get them, but to me it's a BIG deal. The surgery is next Tuesday and just praying that all goes well and that Davis does not have to go through any more ear mess. Walker has been traveling lots lately and all of this has been hard to deal with, especially with him not around. Learning to depend on God for strength is something I am defintely learning through this experience. Being a people person I love to lean on others and God is showing me that all I need is him. He has also showed me that my friends/family are here to lend a helping hand, but ultimately I have to learn to lean on him and allow the others to be my Jesus while on earth. THanks to all you friends/family who are always there and are constantly shining for Christ! I love you all.

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