Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Davis Can

In a world of negativity (not sure if this is even a word-ha!) I wanted to do an updated post on the things Davis can do...
dance to music
wave hi and bye
give kisses and hugs
moo like a cow
do the monkey
clap his hands
do the fish
bang two toys togather
make anyone smile
talk (says dada, mama-yes finally, moo, hey, hi, bye-bye, nana, lala)
hold a telphone to his ear and say hey
find his mama and dada
make messes
open and turn pages in a book
open drawers and cabnients (even with child locks)
feed himself snacks
drink by himself from a sippy cup
look at you with those blue eyes when you say NO
hand you items
get your attention
Davis is my little ray of sunshine even when it is cloudy, thank you little one for being mine! I love you!

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