Sunday, June 26, 2011

RACE DAY! the day we've all been waiting for!

Pre race pics were a must for this momma. We got lots of cute ones of D and Eli getting ready for the big race. They were such good boys and you could never tell they were nervous about the race! haha!

It was so special every kid got to cross the finish line and break the crepe paper as they did so, then they all got trophies. (this was D's first one so he was very impressed!) We were so proud of him and he was VERY proud of himself! He immediatley needed his sucker for a completion prize!

The firefighters spraying the kiddos was the biggest hit, don't you think? After the race was over Davis and Eli spent some much needed time in the water! Love the shot of Eli on the ground, he was soaking wet but refused to put his hands in the mud! haha! We even visited the fire engine as we were leaving! Big hit for DW!

New clothes and hugs for such a great race! So proud of our boys, they did wonderful!

Videos of RAce DAy!

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