Monday, August 1, 2011

Mommy and Me Monday's


Our theme this week was cars, trucks, basically any form of transportation! The kids LOVED it, to say the least! They all brought thier ride on toy; however, no one actually rode their own. They all wanted to ride each others to see how well they moved. The biggest hit was the mickey mouse four wheeler, pretty sure every kid through a fit to ride on it! It was the only battery powered car and wow I made a big mistake for bringing it! Oh well, you live and you learn!
Next we ate the cutest snack you ever did see. Meleia let the kids make a racecar snack, can you say FUN? The girls had pink wheels and the boys had white! Davis decided he needed both so we had some pink and some white! haha! Didn't they turn out so cute? The kids were so excited about them they really weren't sure how to eat them, it go to be really comical watching them try to eat them without messing them up.

We colored truck pictures, read truck books and sang lots of fun songs. The kids and mommies also made a fire truck out of a box. So. Cute.

Our play group is so much fun and just after two planned meetings the kiddos are loving it and so are the mommies! Davis names all of his buddies that come and gets sad if they ALL aren't able to be there. We all have our moments where sharing gets a little tough, but that's what groups like this are for! Can't wait till next week!
Video from our songs! Sorry about the loud momma (me) trying to sing!

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