Monday, August 8, 2011

curly blonde hair, blue eyes and ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!

We had a very fun, yet busy weekend! Three parties, lots of sugar and playing trucks can wear anyone out, right? the storm last night didn't help either...I will NEVER be the same after our storm experience here, several months ago! Davis slept peacefully through them, but his mommy and daddy did not. I asked Walker if we would ever forget that horrible night and he said it would be good if we didn't so we would always be cautious and prepared! Oh well!
Just a few quick stories from Davis:
*Walker and I have been ioncorporating Bible stories into Davis' routine for quite some time and we stay on them until he can tell us the story for himself. After several nights of learning about Moses we were asking him questions about the baby in the basket and he said "no baby moses, baby wyatt in basket!" (one of his besties!) Then he decided that wasn't funny enough so he put himslef and Waytt in the basket. When we got to the question about Pharoh and what he said instead of "no more babies" Davis answered "no more big kids!"
*as Walker was leaving for work this am Daddy and Davis were doing there usual goodbye routine and then Walker said See ya later and Davis piped in with "alligator!"
*with all the birthday parites this weekend, Davis has been pretty excited about his upcoming birthday (not for like 8 more months, but???) He tells every one his birthday is on March 31 and he will be six, after they finish laughing he changes his age to three!
*last night at church they honored the seniors and after attempting to stay, me and another mom kindly took our kiddos out to play in the foyer during the "show" I told them we got kciked out when they asked why we had to leave and D said "Adam and Eve kicked out the garden!" Haha, that's right D they got kicked out just like us!
He loves to make people smile and almost always has his on, loving my precious days with him!

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