Thursday, August 4, 2011

Trucks watch me…

Davis has been a bit truck crazy for about a year now. He does everything with trucks, points out trucks, dreams about trucks, buys trucks, you get my point he LOVES trucks. His newest truck thing is that they must watch him do EVERYTHING. This would be ok if he was a little more independent, but he still needs help to do all the stuff he wants to do and this means mommy and daddy not only have to hold on to Davis but also his trucks. I have been scratched, hit, and even choked with trucks! I love my little boy and I love his fetish for trucks just wish they weren’t quite so brutal! With this new desire to have his trucks watch him has come his new favorite sentence/saying: “Momma these trucks watch me (fill in the blank) eat, pee, sleep, swim, run, you name it his trucks get to watch him complete all of his daily activities. If they aren’t watching him eating, sleeping, going to the bathroom just aren’t the same! Last night he went to bed forgetting to get his trucks to watch him and he fell asleep only to wake up calling me back in to say he needed his trucks to watch him. He always knows which ones he needs and which ones are allowed to watch him! I can definitely say we are in a truck phase and I’m sure one day I’ll miss these truck phase days! These are some of my favorites with Davis and his Great, Great Uncle…getting his first Pepsi truck! (19 months old)

19 mo 015

19 mo 01419 mo 011

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