Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Together Again!

WE got a VERY fun surprise today…Erin, Cole, and Jordan came to see us! Moving almost six hours away from this family was one of the hardest things we did about 6 months ago (cannot believe it has already been 6 mo) and today we got to visit for awhile. I was so sad when I realized I got zero pics of baby J. but I guess that’s because these two boys took all my time! She slept and layed peacefully in her seat or on the bed the entire time! What a sweet baby! We made balloon men and the boys were very fond of them:

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Davis had to go potty at one point and Cole decided he would try too. Davis tried to talk him through it. but we got nothing! Oh well, it takes lots of time and practice! Keep trying cole!

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Next we had some good ole fashion bean bag time! Except for some minor two year old fits these boys picked right up where they left off…best buds!

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We spent a little time riding in the jeep next..these boys know how to drive…in circles!

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The trampoline was so much fun! We sang songs and jumped till we were nasty and sweaty!


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LUNCH TIME!!! We decided to take them to what Davis likes to call Milan’s Chuckie Cheese! Erin’s mother in law is always so sweet and she sent her with money for us to dine on…thanks Mrs. Jennifer! The boys and momma’s loved it!

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We had to say our good byes next, these visits are far too short, but we will see them again really soon. We are headed to Louisville in less than two weeks and Davis could not be more excited to see his Mia and Pops!

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