Monday, August 29, 2011

you asked for it...couponing

so, several of my friends have been asking me lately how i save money at the grocery, target, etc. i am by no means an expert, a crazy extreme shopper or couponer i just do what i can to say a little money and make being a SAHM be a little bit more easy on my hard working hubby! my tips are:
buy a newspaper every Sunday. nope i don't buy tons of them just one. remember i am gonna try and save money not go crazy. i also do not want to spend tons of time saving, then it would not be saving to me, because i would be giving up my family time...PRICELESS! i cut out all the coupons i think i might use and put them in envelopes divided by things i buy most often. i also have a misc one for things that don't fit into the other categories. my categories are (i keep them alphabetized too for quick and easy look up!) baby, beverages, bread, cereal, cleaning, dairy, frozen, hygiene, teeth-hygiene, razors, femine(makeup, tampons, etc), tasrget, Walgreen's, Kroger, meat, misc, paper products, razors, my list goes on and on! once i have them organized i usually go through them every couple of weeks to get out the ones that are expired or getting ready to expire so i will use them.
*next i friended saving sites on fb like frugalgirls. they send me an email every week of the things that are on sale at various stores, tell me whats free or heavily discounted and what coupons to use. pretty easy and wonderful!
*i almost always let the sales decided what i will buy. if something is on sale and i have a coupon it is a no brainer, i'm gonna buy it! especially if it is used a lot in our house.
*i'm not a heavy stock piler but i do buy when they are free and cheap so i probably have about 3-4 or so extra shampoos, soaps, razors, etc.
*also at some stores (target, walgreens, kroger) you can use a manufacturer coupon plus the stores coupons. they can be stacked and that is a beautiful thing...this is soemthing i look at first before deciding what i need that kinda helps me along with my list! some stores have crazy policies and it takes awhile to learn them but once you do you will be saving some major money!!
so these are my tips. they help my family out wonderfully and i love coming home and showing Walker my buys, how much i spent and how much i save! he kinda likes it too!

1 comment:

  1. have you looked at she divides the weekly ads up by store and tells you where to find coupons that correspond with the sales.
