Wednesday, August 31, 2011

one LuCkY MOMMY!

I am so blessed because I wake up to the sounds of this little man every morning!ce

He stole my heart 29 months ago when he blessed us with his arrival!d

Life would be so boring with out him and I thank my God for him, multiple times a day.fg

His smiles melts all my troubles and fears a way. tt 

I must say someone was looking after me to give me such an energetic, fun little boy!P1180244[1] 

He is such a loving little one who not only shows it to his mommy and daddy but to all his friends and family!P1180245[1] 

He will steal some girls heart one day and his momma will be sad, but so proud! P1180246[1] How did I become the luckiest mommy in the world? P1180247[1]


Davis has put on a show all day today. At the gym he was hitting on the nursery worker with his new truck and trailer. We left and went to the library and he could not take his eyes off ms. ashley. He thinks she is the prettiest prego girl ever! Then we go to the shoe store wear he tells a lady which shoes to buy and which ones to leave at the store. She asked if he was married and he just said no way! She also told him she lived at the beach and after thinking very quickly he said he would only go with her if mommy could come too! Smart boy! He also helped me pick out some very cute and cheap shoes! He would say not those mommy, try these! We went from there to the bank and he had me roll his window down so he could thank the teller for the sucker and flash his killer smile for giving him the blue one! What a ham I have on my hands. (must say a quick thanks to my girls Erin B and Ashley for the pics!)

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