Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What Would Davis Say (continued)

OK so yesterday i decided i was gonna see just how davis was doing on his language expression and comprehension...sorry this speech path momma has the PLS-4 and she's gonna use it! so, we began with expression...he did great ended up stopping at 3.6 yrs of age; but I got some great and funny stories out of it. first, when asked why you would put a coat on he said "to fight fires!" Walker said you can't count an answer like that wrong. several times this summer he has watched the firemen put their attire on and this is one thing he obviously has not forgotten! it was also very funny to me when i would show him pictures of things he would have to go find the identical item he had before he could continue with the test! guess we should not have used the playroom for the eval site!
during comprehension he was getting a bit OVER the test but I persuaded him to keep going till we reached age 4, after that he said "no more test mommy!" i did not push him but enjoyed not only using my skill set but also seeing how intelligent and funny my little man is. i love watching kids learn and use their language, guess that's why i decided to be a speech pathologist!
a couple more funnies...
*instead of telling people bye these days he says "see you later alligator!" and totally expects them to say "after while crocodile!"
*he totally loves that he has several friends with the same name, particulary Wyatt. he loves saying two wyatts and two wyatt mommies! then when he gets a little silly he'll say six wyatt's and six wyatt mommies! can you say dramatic? not at all like his momma!!!
*while jumping on the trampoline (his new favorite thing) he asked me to pop him and he laid down. when he did the sun shined in his face so he responded with "momma turn the lights off!"
*because his daddy works for a company called rhino, he always asks what kind of animal his friends daddies work for!
*we recently got a new couch (new to us from the in laws) and davis took part in going with us to give the old one away (the mustard seed). when we drove up a man asked if he could have it and we drove to his house to drop it off. the entire time of the drop off davis kept saying "that's my couch!" we quickly explained we had gotten a new one and didn't need it any more. when we got home davis walked in to look at the new couch and he said "no like new couch, want old couch back!"
*we also tried to use the couch opportunity to teach him it was good to give stuff away...um didn't go so well! we told him at Christmas time we would go through some of his trucks and give them away...huge crocodile tears came crawling down his face after thinking about it and he wailed that he wanted to keep his trucks at his new home...maybe next year!!

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